Netinfo Security ›› 2025, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 98-109.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2025.01.009
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ZHANG Xinyou, LIU Qingfu(), FENG Li, XING Huanlai
LIU Qingfu
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ZHANG Xinyou, LIU Qingfu, FENG Li, XING Huanlai. Smart Grid Data Security Sharing Model Based on Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption[J]. Netinfo Security, 2025, 25(1): 98-109.
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本文 方案 | UExp+UMap | 2GUExp+ GUMul+ UHash | (1+2GU)+(2Exp+ Mul)+Map | GU(2Map+Exp)+ (1+2GU)Mul |
文献[ 方案 | SmaxUExp+ AUMap | GUSmax(Exp+ Mul)-GUMul | GUSmaxMul+(1+ GU(2Smax+ 3))Exp+Map | (2GU+1)Mul+GuExp+ GuSmaxMap |
文献[ 方案 | (2AU+U)Exp+ UHash | — | (GU+AU)Mul+ (4GU+1)Exp | (AU+GU+1)Exp+ (2GU+1)Mul) |
文献[ 方案 | UMul+(2U+ 3AU)Exp+ Map+UHash | (AU+GU)Mul+ (3AU+3GU)Exp+ GUHash | (AU+GU)Mul+ (AU+4GU+3)Exp+ GUMap+GUHash | (2GU+AU+1)Mul+ (GU+1)Exp+(AU+ 4GU)Map |
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