信息网络安全 ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 61-71.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.03.008
Hong CHEN, Yue XIAO(), Chenglong XIAO, Jianhu CHEN
基于机器学习的入侵检测方法应用于非平衡入侵数据集时,大多专注于提升整体检测率与降低整体漏报率,但少数类的检测率较低,在实际应用中良好的少数类分类性能同样具有重要意义。因此,文章提出一种基于最大相异系数密度的SMOTE(Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique)算法与深度信念网络(DBN)和梯度提升决策树(GBDT)的入侵检测方法。其核心思想为:在数据预处理阶段,应用基于最大相异系数密度的SMOTE算法进行数据过采样及深度信念网络进行特征提取,提高少数类样本数量同时降低样本维数;在生成的平衡数据集上,训练梯度提升决策树分类器,并利用NSLKDD数据集进行了实验验证。实验结果表明,所提方法在保持较高的整体检测率的同时,少数类检测效果提升明显,提升了入侵检测方法对于少数类攻击的检测能力。
陈虹, 肖越, 肖成龙, 陈建虎. 融合最大相异系数密度的SMOTE算法的入侵检测方法[J]. 信息网络安全, 2019, 19(3): 61-71.
Hong CHEN, Yue XIAO, Chenglong XIAO, Jianhu CHEN. The Intrusion Detection Method of SMOTE Algorithm with Maximum Dissimilarity Coefficient Density[J]. Netinfo Security, 2019, 19(3): 61-71.
类别 | 特征 |
nominal | protocol_type(2),server_type(3),flag(4) |
numeric | duration(1),src_bytes(5),dst_bytes(6),land(7),wrong_fragment(8),urgent(9),hot(10),num_failed_logins(11),logged_in(12),num_compromised(13),root_shell(14),su_attempted(15),num_root(16),num_file_creations(17),num_shells(18),num_access_files(19),num_outbound_cmds(20),is_host_login(21),is_guest_login(22),count(23),srv_count(24),serror_rate(25),srv_serror_rate(26),rerror_rate(27),srv_rerror_rate(28),same_srv_rate(29),diff_srv_rate(30),srv_diff_host_rate(31),dst_host_count(32),dst_host_srv_count(33),dst_host_same_srv_rate(34),dst_host_diff_srv_rate(35),dst_host_same_src_port_rate(36),dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate(37),st_host_serror_rate(38),dst_host_srv_serror_rate(39),dst_host_rerror_rate(40),dst_host_srv_rerror_rate(41) |
类别 | 攻击类型 |
Normal | normal |
DoS | back,land,neptune,pod,smurf,teardrop,apache2,updstorm, processtable,worm |
Probe | satan,ipsweep,nmap,portsweep,mscan,saint |
R2L | guess_password,ftp_write,imap,phf,multihop,warezmaster, warezclient,spy,xlock,xsnoop,snmpguess,snmpgetattack, httptunnel,sendmail,named |
U2R | buffer_overflow,loadmodule,rootkit,perl,sqlattack,xtem,ps |
类别 | 攻击子类型 | KDDTrain+_20Percent | KDDTest-21 |
Normal | normal | 13449 | 2152 |
Probe | ipsweep | 710 | 141 |
mscan | 0 | 996 | |
nmap | 301 | 73 | |
portsweep | 587 | 156 | |
saint | 0 | 309 | |
satan | 691 | 727 | |
DoS | apache2 | 0 | 737 |
back | 196 | 359 | |
land | 1 | 7 | |
mailbomb | 0 | 0 | |
neptune | 8282 | 1579 | |
pod | 38 | 41 | |
processtable | 0 | 685 | |
smurf | 529 | 627 | |
teardrop | 188 | 12 | |
udpstorm | 0 | 2 | |
U2R | buffer_overflow | 6 | 20 |
httptunnel | 0 | 133 | |
loadmodule | 1 | 2 | |
perl | 0 | 2 | |
ps | 0 | 15 | |
rootkit | 4 | 13 | |
sqlattack | 0 | 2 | |
xterm | 0 | 13 | |
R2L | ftp_write | 1 | 3 |
guess_passwd | 10 | 1231 | |
imap | 5 | 1 | |
multihop | 2 | 18 | |
named | 0 | 17 | |
phf | 2 | 2 | |
sendmail | 0 | 14 | |
snmpgetattack | 0 | 178 | |
snmpguess | 0 | 331 | |
spy | 1 | 0 | |
warezclient | 181 | 0 | |
warezmaster | 7 | 944 | |
worm | 0 | 2 | |
xlock | 0 | 9 | |
xsnoop | 0 | 4 | |
数据集样本总数 | 25192 | 11850 |
邻域半径 | Precision | Recall | F1 | CE | MA | PR |
0.3ε | 86.87% | 49.06% | 62.71% | 47.75% | 50.94% | 33.41% |
0.5ε | 87.35% | 53.45% | 66.32% | 44.43% | 46.55% | 34.89% |
0.7ε | 88.05% | 52.80% | 66.02% | 44.49% | 47.19% | 32.29% |
ε | 95.00% | 53.65% | 68.57% | 40.24% | 46.35% | 12.73% |
1.3ε | 90.16% | 49.16% | 63.63% | 47.53% | 50.83% | 32.62% |
1.5ε | 86.93% | 48.58% | 62.32% | 48.06% | 51.42% | 32.90% |
1.7ε | 85.97% | 41.78% | 56.23% | 53.22% | 58.21% | 30.71% |
分类方法 | Normal | DoS | Probe | R2L | U2R |
改进SMOTE+ DBN+GBDT | 89.27% | 65.34% | 76.03% | 27.95% | 12.03% |
DS-SMOTE+ DBN+GBDT | 87.63% | 66.99% | 58.15% | 9.330% | 8.00% |
SVM | 91.21% | 56.77% | 47.83% | 7.800% | 0.0% |
DBN+SVM | 89.03% | 54.14% | 60.28% | 6.310% | 0.0% |
GBDT | 85.22% | 71.46% | 56.91% | 7.610% | 0.50% |
DBN+BP | 87.44% | 57.11% | 67.77% | 10.67% | 2.010% |
DBN+GBDT | 89.10% | 67.27% | 64.82% | 12.38% | 2.140% |
分类方法 | Precision | Recall | F1 | CE | MA | PR |
改进SMOTE+ DBN+GBDT | 95.00% | 53.65% | 68.57% | 40.24% | 36.35% | 10.23% |
DS-SMOTE+ DBN+GBDT | 94.50% | 47.21% | 62.97% | 45.44% | 52.78% | 12.36% |
SVM | 94.13% | 39.48% | 55.63% | 51.12% | 60.51% | 18.78% |
DBN+SVM | 93.39% | 39.96% | 55.97% | 52.30% | 59.03% | 19.25% |
GBDT | 91.38% | 46.32% | 61.47% | 48.61% | 53.68% | 14.77% |
DBN+BP | 90.92% | 55.43% | 62.12% | 49.43% | 53.10% | 22.90% |
DBN+GBDT | 93.92% | 45.43% | 61.23% | 47.75% | 54.57% | 10.97% |
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