信息网络安全 ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 150-159.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2024.01.015
WANG Junyan1, YI Peng2, JIA Hongyong1(), ZHANG Jianhui1,3
JIA Hongyong
物联网异构终端数量大、结构简单、安全防护能力弱,容易成为攻击目标。针对传统风险评估方法处理不断变化的大量风险因素时,评估机制建立困难,评估效率不高的问题,文章提出基于改进卷积自动编码器的物联网终端风险评估模型(Lightweight Convolutional Autoencoder Combined with Fully Connected Layers and Classifier Model,LCAE-FC)。将更轻量化卷积自动编码器与分类器结合构建模型,使高维特征学习与逐阶降维输出评估概率值一体化;编码器引入深度可分离卷积,每个通道学习广义行为特征内部结构;每个输出特征均进行平均池化,最大限度保留风险信息;全连接层与分类器结合将高维特征抽象后阶梯式降维输出风险概率值。N-BaIoT数据集上的实验结果显示,文章所提模型精确度和F1值均高达99.3%以上,相较传统的CAE、Bi-LSTM和SAE-SBR模型,性能更优。
王君艳, 伊鹏, 贾洪勇, 张建辉. 基于改进CAE的物联网终端风险评估模型[J]. 信息网络安全, 2024, 24(1): 150-159.
WANG Junyan, YI Peng, JIA Hongyong, ZHANG Jianhui. IoT Terminal Risk Assessment Model Based on Improved CAE[J]. Netinfo Security, 2024, 24(1): 150-159.
N-BaIoT 数据集特征详细信息
数据来源 | 数据 | 统计量 | 总数/个 |
Source IP | Packet size(only outbound) | Mean, variance | 3 |
Packet count(only outbound) | Integer | ||
Source MAC-IP | Packet size(only outbound) | Mean, variance | 3 |
Packet count | Integer | ||
Channel | Packet size(only outbound) | Mean, variance | 10 |
Packet count | Integer | ||
Amount of time betweenpacket arrivals | Mean, variance, | ||
Packet size(both inbound and outbound) | Magnitude, radius, covariance, correlation coefficient | ||
Socket | Packet size(only outbound) | Mean, variance | 7 |
Packet count | Integer | ||
Packet size(both inbound and outbound) | Magnitude, radius, covariance, correlation coefficient |
层 | 各层输出大小 | 参数量/个 |
Input1 | (115,0) | 0 |
DephwiseConv1D | (115,1) | 129 |
SeparableConv1D | (115,32) | 96 |
GlobalAveragePooling1D | (None,32) | 0 |
Deconv1DTranspose | (115,32) | 2080 |
Deconv1DTranspose | (115,64) | 4160 |
Deconv1DTranspose | (115,115) | 14835 |
Flatten | (None,32) | 0 |
Dense | (None,115) | 3795 |
Dense | (None,64) | 7424 |
Dense | (None,32) | 2080 |
Dense | (None,1) | 33 |
合计 | — | 34632 |
层 | 参数设置 |
DephwiseConv1D | Kernel_size:2,num_filters:64,activation:relu,padding: same |
SeparableConv1D | Kernel_size:2,num_filters:32, activation:relu,padding: same |
GlobalAveragePooling1D | data_format=channels_last |
Conv1DTranspose | filters=32, kernel_size=2, activation=relu padding=same, |
Conv1DTranspose | filters=64, kernel_size=2, activation=relupadding=same, |
Conv1DTranspose | filters=115, kernel_size=2, padding=same, activation=linear |
Dense | activation=relu |
Dense | activation=relu |
Dense | activation=relu |
Dense | activation=sigmoid |
epoch | 200 |
batch_size | 100 |
层 | 各层输出大小 | 参数/个 |
Input1 | (115,0) | 0 |
Conv1D | (115,64) | 14784 |
MaxPooling1D | (57, 64) | 0 |
Conv1D | (57, 32) | 4128 |
MaxPooling1D | (28, 32) | 0 |
Deconv1D | (28, 32) | 2080 |
UpSampling1D | (57, 32) | 0 |
Deconv1D | (57,64) | 4160 |
UpSampling1D | (115,64) | 0 |
Deconv1D | (115,115) | 14755 |
Flatten | (None,32) | 0 |
Dense | (115,0) | 1539115 |
Dense | (None,64) | 741504 |
Dense | (None,32) | 2080 |
Dense | (None,1) | 33 |
合计 | — | 2322639 |
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