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    10 March 2015, Volume 15 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research Frontier and Trends of Science of Cybersecurity
    CHEN Hua-shan, PI Lan, LIU Feng, LIN Dong-dai
    2015, 15 (3):  1-5.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.001
    Abstract ( 706 )   HTML ( 18 )  

    With the rapid development of information technology, Internet is playing an increasingly important role across the world. A trustworthy cyberspace has been closely related to national interests and has become a focus of national security and social stability. However, current security research often focuses on specific technical problems and challenges.This methodology is sometimes termed engineering . We don’t have a clear understanding of many fundamental problems and universal laws of cybersecurity. That is, cybersecurity research lacks a firm scientific foundation and disciplined approach to transcend specific systems, attacks, and defenses. In contrast to the engineering approach, the past few years we have seen a growing push within the research community to promote the study of cybersecurity as a science. In this paper, we introduce the background of developing a science of cybersecurity , depict the scientific connotation of cybersecurity and discuss five of the “hard problems” in the science of cybersecurity . Finally , the perspective of research is also proposed.

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    Research on Windows Security Baseline
    QING Si-han, ZENG Shan-song, DU Chao
    2015, 15 (3):  6-13.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.002
    Abstract ( 655 )   HTML ( 6 )  

    Security baseline is an important part of Microsoft’s security ecosystem, by the use of Security Compliance Manager (SCM) which is able to determine whether the security requirements of users’ application environment are met, providing a basic security assurance for an information system. The concept of security baseline originally coming from the Microsoft’s security configuration initiative for the US Air Force, eventually has been accepted by the US government, and deployed as national standards. This paper discusses and analyzes the origin and progress of Windows security baseline, security compliance manager, the basic concept and implementation rationale of security baseline, deployment and security policy settings of security baseline, and update of security baseline for Windows 8.1.

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    The Design of Trusted Secure Routing of Quantum Ant Colony Algorithm for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
    YIN Bao, JIANG Li-ying, WANG Chao
    2015, 15 (3):  14-18.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.003
    Abstract ( 341 )   HTML ( 1 )  

    At present, security has become a constraint bottleneck in the development of wireless sensor networks; it is necessary and urgent to design secure routing of effective wireless sensor credible network node. As the self-organizing character of ant colony algorithm is extremely similar to the form of wireless sensor networks, the ant colony algorithm has been applied to the wireless sensor networks (WSN). But it is easy falling into local optimal solutions and slow convergence rate for the traditional ant colony algorithm; it cannot meet the routing design of the large scale WSN. The quantum computation with global optimization and rapid convergence is a good solution to this problem, so we apply the quantum ant colony algorithm to WSN routing design. At the same time taking the lack of trust between nodes into account in wireless sensor networks, the conception of trust networks is used, the nodes’ trust is introduced as an allocation strategy of pheromone, then represent pheromone using quantum bit encoding and update pheromone by quantum rotation gate, comprehensive energy consumption forecasts for path selection, providing global energy balanced WSN based on trusted secure routing algorithm. Analysis shows that it is better than the traditional ant colony algorithm in the convergence rate and global optimization, balancing the global energy consumption of network nodes, avoiding premature death led to some key network into many isolated island. It can be effectively against specific energy black-hole attacks such as Wormholes in wireless sensor network attacks, and it helps construct trusted network environment.

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    a-diversity and k-anonymity Big Data Privacy Preservation Based On Micro-aggregation
    CHENG Liang, JIANG Fan
    2015, 15 (3):  19-22.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.004
    Abstract ( 343 )   HTML ( 0 )  

    A great challenge in privacy preservation is to trade off two important issues: data utility and privacy preservation, in publication of dataset which usually contain sensitive information. Anonymization is a well-represent approach to achieve this, and there exist several anonymity models. Most of those models mainly focus on protecting privacy exerting identical protection for the whole table with pre-defined parameters. This could not meet the diverse requirements of protection degrees varied with different sensitive value. Motivated by this, this paper firstly proposes an a-diversity k-anonymity model to satisfy diversity deassociation for sensitive information, and meanwhile, designs a framework based on an improved microaggregation algorithm, as an alternative to generalization/suppression to achieve anonymization. By using this framework, we improve the data utility and decrease the disclosure risk of privacy disclosure. We conduct several experiments to validate our schemes.

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    An Optimization Selection Research Based on Personalized Space Anonymous Algorithm
    ZHANG Hai-chuan, ZHAO Ze-mao, TIAN Yu-jie
    2015, 15 (3):  23-27.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.005
    Abstract ( 505 )   HTML ( 4 )  

    The algorithm of Bottom and Top-Downgrid are high-performance anonymous algorithm based on grid-partitioning space. Different algorithm needs different parameter criteria, such as iterations, the size of anonymous area, and the degree of users’ anonymity. These parameters have great impact on query quality, but all of them are contrary. When mobile users transmit location service request under different situations, they may have their own individual requirements about these parameters. To solve the problem, this paper gives an idea of optimal choice based on personalize space anonymous algorithm. Firstly, the method mathematical modeling analysis these parameters based on AHP. Secondly, it structure a straight reciprocal matrix based on the user’s review of these three criteria and check the consistency. Lastly, experiments and simulations are performed to calculate the weight of Bottom and Top-Downgrid, then chose the algorithm with bigger weight. The method of optimal choice based on these two algorithms not only satisfies the demand of k-degree, but also conform to the user’s need in different situations.

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    Spatial Cloaking Algorithm Based on Peer-to-Peer and Grid ID
    CHE Hao-ran, HE Yong-zhong, LIU Ji-qiang
    2015, 15 (3):  28-32.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.006
    Abstract ( 442 )   HTML ( 0 )  

    Currently spatial cloaking algorithm is one of the most active research issues in the field of privacy protection of LBS. Majority of the current spatial cloaking algorithms are adopting centralized structure, under which the central anonymous server makes users anonymous. However, the central anonymous server can be easily become the bottleneck of performance and the target of concentrated attack. Recently researchers have proposed the introduction of P2P mode, but at present the proposed algorithm has a shortage on the performance and security. In regards to the issue mentioned above, we proposed the Spatial Cloaking Algorithm based on P2P and Grid ID (the “SCAPGID”), which hides the user’s exact location and seek the anonymous areas meeting the privacy needs via grid ID. After comparison with the existing algorithms, the SCAPGID can improve the success rate of anonymity, reduce the anonymous area, and avoid “center-of-K-ASR" attack without exposure of accurate location.

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    Research for APT Attack Technology
    CHEN Chen, WANG Yi-Jun, HU Guang-jun, GUO Yan-hui
    2015, 15 (3):  33-37.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.007
    Abstract ( 557 )   HTML ( 1 )  

    Since 2007, advanced persistent threats (Advanced Persistent Threat, APT) attacks continue to be discovered. Such as Ghost Net attack at 2009, specifically to steal confidential information embassies, the Foreign Ministry and other government agencies as well as banks, within two years, had penetrated into the 1295 Taiwan government and an important figure in at least 103 countries, PC.At 2010, Stuxnet first discovered, is the first known to target key industrial infrastructure for worms, which infect and destroy the Natanz nuclear facility, and ultimately delayed Bushehr nuclear power plant start-up.At September 2011,discovered Duqu virus, was used to gather intelligence information from manufacturers of industrial control systems, has monitored six organizations from France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and India eight countries by the virus infection. Security experts believe that there must be no APT attack was discovered, there are more companies for various reasons, they were not released APT attacks and losses.In recent years, APT attacks have caused significant damage and impact to the state, society, businesses, organizations and individuals . Since a growing number of portable terminal applications began to migrate from traditional PC to personal smartphones ,people use smart phones send and receive mail, process documents, communicate with others. Therefore, this article first introduces the definition of APT attack and then gives the technical characteristics of APT. Finally, this article introduces the current attacks against the latest mobile phones .

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    An Webview Vulnerability Protection Based On Access Control And Script Detection
    YE Jia-xi, ZHANG Quan, WANG Jian
    2015, 15 (3):  38-43.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.008
    Abstract ( 538 )   HTML ( 2 )  

    This paper studies the formation mechanism of the Webview vulnerability, and learns that the vulnerability arises from the unsafe function’ invoking and did not defend java reflection on the program. At present, Webview vulnerability detection method is mainly based on black box testing, which is at low accuracy. This paper proposes a detection combined of static analysis and dynamic analysis: static analysis can carry out where is the unsafe function, and dynamic analysis can make a test on the unsafe function, in that way the Webview vulnerability can be detected effectively and accurately. At the same time, this paper studies the Webview vulnerability protection proposed by Google, and pointed out that there exits three defects in Google’s defend. So this paper proposes a vulnerability defend based on access control and script detection, the defend is strict with the visitors’ authority limit, timely responding to the user and makes use of script detection to distinguish the security scripts and malicious script, putting an end to the Webview vulnerability without any ability weaken. Finally, this paper designs a set of experiment, comparing the undefended program and the defend programs, the result shows that the protection is valid.

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    Obtaining Sensitive Information in RAM by Using the Structure of KPCR
    LUO Wen-hua, SHEN Cheng-xuan
    2015, 15 (3):  44-47.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.009
    Abstract ( 520 )   HTML ( 2 )  

    Obtaining sensitive information in traditional RAM analysis uses the structures of realizing software in operating system, which has some certain shortcomings in depth and breadth. This paper finds a new way for tracing and extending key content by control structures of bottom hardware administration, illustrates the method of locating position, discusses the characteristics of digital investigation in inner format, provides new thought and method for investigating RAM space. In the part of case analysis, this paper explains specific application of mentioned method based on extensive used Windows 7 currently.

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    Research and Implementation of eID-Based Identity Authentication System
    FAN Yue, XU Jin, GAO Yu-tong
    2015, 15 (3):  48-53.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.010
    Abstract ( 543 )   HTML ( 7 )  

    The existing mobile identity authentication methods lack of universal protection for users, leading to user privacy information disclosure issue often occurs. Network electronic identity (eID) can ensure credibility of their personal identity. The user identity information isn’t retained to a variety of network operator; the risk of leaks can be effectively avoided. However, the regular eID terminal supports USB port only are used. Mobile terminals cannot be applied. This paper proposes a mobile identity authentication system based on network electronic identity abbreviated as eID, achieving the design and implementation of eID authentication process, resulting from combination of eID and application systems authentication through NFC (near field communication) technology. The NFC technology advantages that low energy consumption, traffic efficiency and safety are into full play. The features of eID that privacy, highly credible, as well as safety and reliability are used. The practical application shows that the system is effective and feasible, which implementing the user real identity authentication in mobile terminal effectively. Thus guaranteeing safe and reliable user identity as well as protecting user privacy effectively.

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    Provable Security Mobile User Key Exchange Protocol for Wireless Communications
    WANG Yi, HAN Guang-guo, LI Hui-zhi
    2015, 15 (3):  54-58.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.011
    Abstract ( 526 )   HTML ( 0 )  

    Seamless roaming in wireless network is very needed for users, and roaming in risk everywhere. Counterfeit mobile user identity for server access, for example, or for mobile users access to the server for a variety of malicious attacks resulting in the process of seamless roaming security threatened, therefore the safety of the mobile user authentication is urgent and challenging. Recently, all kinds of key exchange protocol based on authentication, more and more get the attention of the experts and scholars in the administrative password file because the tamper-proof function and convenience needs some smart card scheme based on safety certification were successively put forward, including Daojing He Team in key exchange protocol based on authentication between the wireless network users registered with the server security efficient implementation of authentication and communication has made a great contribution. The main content of the article is put forward on the registered agent in different two user authentication scheme based on smart card. Need between two users and two agents for five times the exchange of information, and to plan to do the safety analysis proves that the scheme can resist various attacks, such as replay attacks, known key attack, inside attack, offline password guessing attacks, imitate attack, a malicious attack agent etc. Article implements in roaming users and registered in an external agent dialogue, practical stronger, round number is less, so the scheme is more simple, safe and efficient.

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    Research of HTTPS Session Hijacking Based on Script Injection
    YANG Feng-fan, LIU Jia-yong, TANG Dian-hua
    2015, 15 (3):  59-63.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.012
    Abstract ( 546 )   HTML ( 1 )  

    This article analyzes the common methods of HTTPS hijacking, the methods and technological process of fake certificate, vulnerabilities of the jumping between HTTP and HTTPS. It points out the pros and cons of these methods at the same time. The second method is widely used at present, the proxy server establish HTTP connections with the client using MITM and HTTPS connections with the real server in order to get the users’ secret information and forward the data. This method is useful in PC platform, but cannot work well in mobile platform, because the middle proxy needs to monitor the holly communication data, replace the HTTPS connections timely and also needs matching features speedy. But the mobile machine is short in this. At present, the raid developments of mobile terminal cause more and more attention of penetration test on the mobile terminal. In order to perform the HTTPS hijacking on the mobile terminal much better and solve the existing problems, this article puts forward a new HTTPS hijacking method based on script injection according to the principles of dSploit. It successfully transferred the replacing work that the middle must do to the client, and also improving the efficiency. This article expounds the process and principle of this method, exposes the obscure security problems concerned with https-based communication, and provides some defending measures against HTTPS hijacking.

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    HARQ Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Based on Fountain Codes Correlation Chain Abstraction
    DUAN Jin-jue, ZHAO Dan-feng, LIANG Ming-shen
    2015, 15 (3):  64-68.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.013
    Abstract ( 458 )   HTML ( 2 )  

    Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are prone to packet loss due to their poor link condition with high noise and high bit error rate. Therefore, a fountain codes correlation chain abstraction based HARQ protocol (CCA-HARQ) is proposed for UASNs to guarantee the reliable message delivery. The CCA-HARQ protocol could feedback the decoding status of the receiver to the sender in a more detailed way by attaching the correlation chain abstraction information in the NACK message, with which the sender could make more intelligent decisions to conduct more effective retransmission coding packets and the transmission overhead as well as the end to end throughput performance are optimized as a result. On the basis, the proposed protocol is simulated on the platform of OPNET network simulators. Simulation results demonstrate that proposed CCA-HARQ plays better than traditional UW-HARQ protocol from the perspective of transmission overhead and the end to end throughput.

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    Research on Network Forensic Based on Weiyun
    YANG Xin-yu, WANG Jian
    2015, 15 (3):  69-73.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.014
    Abstract ( 573 )   HTML ( 1 )  

    The storage as a service (StaaS) is one of the most widely used cloud computing services. But convenient service is provided means dissemination of sensitive documents is possible at the same time. However, traditional forensic frameworks reviewed to identify the required changes to current forensic practices. We propose a network forensic framework which emphasizes the differences in StaaS data for forensic purposes. Using a cloud StaaS application - weiyun - as a case study. Verified the feasibility of undertaking cloud storage forensics with protocol analyzing. Finally we provide some general guidelines for future forensic analysis and recommendations for future work.

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    Research on Model of QoE Assessment for Streaming Videos Based on Decision Tree
    YAN Dan, WEI Fang
    2015, 15 (3):  74-78.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.015
    Abstract ( 431 )   HTML ( 7 )  

    This paper introduces an NR decision tree based QoE assessment model. The proposed model assesses quality of user experience of streaming videos using decision tree statistical learning method with a set of video-related features and network distortion features extracted from both the packet header at the packet level in the physical layer and at the video frame level in the application layer. These features are extracted solely from the packet header without further decoding of the video bitstreams, which decreases the computational complexity and makes the model independent of the encoding method. Thanks to decision tree’s high readability and fast classification speed, several decision trees have been built with different combinations of above feature subsets to study the relative importance of features. The result shows that the proposed model, which considers video-related features and both kinds of network distortions, outperforms the other resulting ones in terms of predict accuracy and monotonicity. This model can be used in the real-time streaming video quality monitoring systems.

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    The Platform Design of Smart-house Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
    GONG Wan-wan, LIU Shi-xing, FENG Ting-ting
    2015, 15 (3):  79-83.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2015.03.016
    Abstract ( 420 )   HTML ( 0 )  

    With the development of socio-economic, people have began to pursue more personalized and automated life. The demand for thequality of home environment is increasing highly, people requiring for the intelligent living environment and strong security. Nowadays, based on embedded systems and network technology, smart-house technology is booming which puts user’s experience as the core-oriented, has broad application prospects. A kind of smart-house monitor system platform based on wireless sensor networks has been designed in this paper. The temperature value, smoke density value and CO density value in the environment have been collected through temperature sensor, smoke sensor and carbon monoxide sensor, all these infromation are transmited to the controller through the Zigbee wireless network using CC2530. With a video monitoring module, the instant video message is transferred at the same time. The embedded ARM11 chip is adopted in this system as the controller. A kind of Android Web server has been built through the transplant of Android system, the mainstream operating system, and the introduced of the i-Jetty server. The data of system has been stored with SQLite database technology. The server can be logged in through the Web browser of the mobile phones or personal computers to achieve real-time monitoring of smart-home system.

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