Netinfo Security ›› 2025, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 13-26.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2025.01.002

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PUF-Based Smart Terminal Authentication Protocol for Power Internet of Things

YUAN Zheng1,2(), ZHANG Yuefei1, FENG Xiao3, QIAO Yaxin1   

  1. 1. Department of Cryptography Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Electronic Science and Technology, Beijing 100070, China
    2. China StarNet Network System Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100029, China
    3. State Grid Information & Telecommunication Industry Co., Ltd., Beijing 100031, China
  • Received:2024-07-11 Online:2025-01-10 Published:2025-02-14
  • Contact: YUAN Zheng


The power system is gradually transforming towards intelligence and digitalization. More and more terminal devices are interconnected and sharing data through the Internet of things technology. However, due to the characteristics of device diversity, resource constraints, complex communication environment, wide physical distribution, and high real-time requirements, its security verification faces severe challenges in password cracking, counterfeit attacks, and complexity. In order to cope with the authentication security challenges of power Internet of things smart terminals in communication, PUF technology was introduced and an extended CRP structure was designed. A power Internet of things smart terminal authentication protocol based on physical unclonable function (PUF) was proposed. Simulation experiments are carried out using ProVerif tools and Tamarin tools, which prove that the protocol can effectively resist common attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks and counterfeit attacks. The protocol features such as lightweight and two-way authentication are theoretically analyzed and compared with similar schemes. The results show that the scheme has significant advantages in many aspects. This study provides an innovative and efficient solution for the security authentication of power Internet of things smart terminals, which not only makes up for the shortcomings of traditional authentication schemes, but also provides a more secure and reliable technical foundation for future power Internet of things systems, which helps to improve the overall security level and operation efficiency of the power system.

Key words: power Internet of things, smart terminal, physical unclonable function, authentication

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