信息网络安全 ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (8): 1184-1195.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2024.08.005
张凝 作者简介:
XU Ruzhi, ZHANG Ning(), LI Min, LI Zixuan
徐茹枝, 张凝, 李敏, 李梓轩. 针对恶意软件的高鲁棒性检测模型研究[J]. 信息网络安全, 2024, 24(8): 1184-1195.
XU Ruzhi, ZHANG Ning, LI Min, LI Zixuan. Research on a High Robust Detection Model for Malicious Software[J]. Netinfo Security, 2024, 24(8): 1184-1195.
数据集 | 方法 | 精确率 | 召回率 | F1值 | 准确率 |
BIG2015 | IDA+DRBA | 93.28% | 93.54% | 93.41% | 93.40% |
Deam+DenseNet | 95.30% | 95.40% | 95.40% | 97.30% | |
DenseNet-based | 98.46% | 98.58% | 97.84% | 98.21% | |
ALexNet | 97.53% | 92.42% | 94.91% | 96.64% | |
VGG16 | 96.34% | 93.47% | 94.88% | 96.04% | |
ResNet50 | 98.10% | 92.10% | 95.01% | 98.07% | |
GoogleNet | 96.38% | 91.02% | 93.62% | 95.37% | |
SwinTransformer | 93.37% | 95.66% | 94.50% | 97.28% | |
MDCAM(本文) | 98.71% | 98.62% | 98.67% | 98.76% | |
Malimg | GIST+SVM | 92.50% | 91.40% | 91.95% | 92.20% |
GIST+KNN | 92.10% | 91.70% | 91.90% | 91.90% | |
IDA+DRBA | 94.60% | 94.50% | 94.55% | 94.50% | |
NSGA-II | 97.60% | 88.40% | 92.77% | 97.60% | |
Deam+DenseNet | 96.90% | 96.60% | 96.70% | 98.50% | |
DenseNet-based | 98.23% | 97.78% | 97.92% | 97.85% | |
ALexNet | 97.80% | 98.80% | 97.80% | 97.80% | |
VGG16 | 96.16% | 96.23% | 96.19% | 96.22% | |
ResNet50 | 93.49% | 93.76% | 93.62% | 97.82% | |
GoogleNet | 96.95% | 96.81% | 96.66% | 96.44% | |
SwinTransformer | 92.64% | 92.24% | 92.44% | 95.37% | |
MDCAM(本文) | 98.68% | 98.25% | 98.42% | 98.90% | |
Leopard Mobile | ALexNet | 90.82% | 94.38% | 92.57% | 96.14% |
VGG16 | 91.33% | 94.78% | 93.03% | 96.37% | |
ResNet50 | 93.90% | 96.40% | 95.05% | 97.50% | |
GoogleNet | 92.42% | 95.96% | 94.16% | 96.95% | |
SwinTransformer | 83.30% | 74.60% | 77.95% | 90.50% | |
MDCAM(本文) | 94.91% | 96.47% | 95.68% | 97.82% |
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