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    10 December 2019, Volume 19 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research and Design of Intelligent Monitoring and Early Warning Database System for Sensitive Areas
    Wenming WANG, Quanyu WANG, Yinghao WANG, Haopan REN
    2019, 19 (12):  1-9.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.001
    Abstract ( 602 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (1928KB) ( 387 )  

    This paper analyzes and practices the intelligent monitoring and early warning in the sensitive area, designs the intelligent monitoring and early warning system suitable for the sensitive area by using multithreading, database, target detection and tracking, blockchain and other technologies, and realizes the positioning, detection, tracking, shooting, warehousing, early warning, query, management of suspicious dynamic and static objects, solves the “crash” and other problems in monitoring programming. In order to ensure the high security of monitoring and early warning data, this paper discusses the storage of relevant data by blockchain technology, determines the deletion of data by the consensus algorithm, describes the key technology and implementation process, and carries out experimental verification and analysis of video fluency. This paper takes the safety construction of “double first class” university laboratory as an example to verify the system.

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    Smart Grid Wireless Communication Data Encryption Transmission Scheme Based on Dynamic Key
    Meihong LI, Xiaochen QI, Qianqian WU
    2019, 19 (12):  10-21.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.002
    Abstract ( 712 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (3804KB) ( 451 )  

    Aiming at the characteristics of wireless communication in smart grid SCADA system, this paper designed a data encryption scheme based on dynamic key. The dynamic key generation algorithm is an improvement of the dynamic key generation scheme proposed by SAXENA et al. The purpose of controlling the update frequency of the shared key is finally realized by monitoring the transmission of the application layer data and setting the frequency of generating the dynamic key. In the communication process, the Hash value of the additional transmitted random number sequence is used as the dynamic key to further update the shared key. The CTR mode is used for data encryption and decryption, and the symmetric cryptographic algorithm and the exclusive OR operation are used to reduce the communication overhead of the scheme. Experiments show that this scheme can resist multiple security attacks such as long-term eavesdropping attacks, malicious injection attacks, and replay attacks, and analyzes them correctly and costly. At the same time, it solved the problem of pre-existing key synchronization and universality to ensure the security and self-healing of the system.

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    A Routing Evaluation and Selection Method with Sampling Information for Resisting SYN Flood Attack
    Shan JIN, Zhigang JIN, Gen LI
    2019, 19 (12):  22-28.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.003
    Abstract ( 459 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (1202KB) ( 426 )  

    It is proposed that a routing evaluation and selection method with sampling information for resisting SYN Flood attack at wireless sensor networks. The attack is easy to consume the cluster head’s energy to lose effectiveness at the fixed route excessively. For solving many SYN messages are transmitted to cluster heads from a sensor at the bottom layer and to cloud servers as fixed route frequently, the method found the relationship between node’s ID and key pairing, while the networks are built. The relationship is used for identifying attacking nodes fast, which nodes’ ID have been pretended. Then the cluster heads at the clusters with attacking nodes set exception caches, which is used for transmitting SYN request message. And the method designs the hop-by-hop route selection mechanism with Multidimensional evaluation. The mechanism is that select the optimal neighboring cluster head to be next hop target. Then the temporary route is founded with the mechanism. The experiments show that the proposed method is effective in resisting SYN Flood attack and easing the pressure from transmitting definitely.

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    Privacy Preserving Provenance Publishing Method Accommodating Business Data Security
    Zhiyan ZHAO, Jian WU, Kai KANG
    2019, 19 (12):  29-37.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.004
    Abstract ( 521 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (1304KB) ( 619 )  

    Concerning the scenario that business data is published for privacy protection prior to its lineage workflow, a novel privacy-preserving lineage workflow model (θ,γ)-POMS is devised. The internal correlation mechanism between the lineage workflow and data is constructed by introducing the anonymous domain and applying the decision tree algorithm. Furthermore, an effective privacy-preserving lineage publishing method based on (θ,γ)-POMS model is proposed to achieve the privacy security in the lineage workflow publishing while achieving the privacy security in the data publishing. The concept of module fuzziness was introduced to measure the degree of module privacy disclosure, and the restricted publishing strategy was adopted to destroy the mapping relationship of modules, so as to maintain the stability of the structure of the lineage workflow while protecting the privacy security of modules.T heoretical analysis and experimental results show the proposed methods can maintain the availability of structured queries of the lineage workflow while ensure the privacy security of lineage workflow.

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    Privacy Data Protection Based on the Honey Encryption
    Yajun GUO, Dongqi PU
    2019, 19 (12):  38-46.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.005
    Abstract ( 1204 )   HTML ( 26 )   PDF (4051KB) ( 574 )  

    It is significant to protect the people’s private data. There is a big vulnerability to password-based encryption, which is often used to protect privacy data, because the security of this scheme is depended on how to select a password. However, users tend to choose simple and easy-to-predict passwords. When decrypting a message with incorrect passwords, the algorithm will output invalid messages, and then indicates failed attempts. This means that it cannot effectively against the brute-force attack. Therefore, honey encryption can be used to solve the above problem. Base on password encryption, the system will output plausible-looking decoy messages to confuse attackers when decrypting a message with the exhaustive-key-search method by introducing the concept of the distribution-transforming encoder. In this paper, honey encryption was applied to protect the users’ digital wallets, which can solve the drawback of weak passwords when using in the users’ bank card accounts and their PIN. This paper begins by introducing the basic idea of honey encryption; Then, the message space was designed in more granular for the application to give more plausible false messages; Furthermore, machine learning methods were firstly used to discuss the security of this system. The result shows that the security of honey encryption is higher than the existing password-based encryption, and the decoy messages are also too difficult to distinguish.

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    Research on Cascading Failure of Nodes in Distributed Access Control Model
    Fangbo CAI, Jingsha HE, Nafei ZHU, Song HAN
    2019, 19 (12):  47-52.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.006
    Abstract ( 602 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF (1117KB) ( 380 )  

    Access control refers to the means by which the system restricts the user's identity and the predefined policy group to use data resources. Access control is important foundation of system confidentiality, integrity, availability and legitimate use, is one of the key strategies of network security and resource protection, and is also the different authorization access of subject to object itself or its resources according to some control strategies or permissions. With the wide spread of computer networks, new access modes emerge in endlessly, which greatly affects and changes the way people work and live. Under the background of network security, with the explosive growth of Internet users and data, the current way of building data management system by a single center organization faces more challenges. In the distributed access control model, the nodes participating in the access are the sources of making the access control model vulnerable or even losing the access control ability in the access failure transfer mechanism. Based on the theory of complex network cascading model, this paper proposes a security analysis method based on node cascading failure of distributed access control model. This paper designs two kinds of failure modes, selective failure and random failure, to conduct simulation experiment by using the relevant attribute parameters of the nodes in the process of access control. The experimental data demonstrates the effect of different failure modes on the effective node ratio in the access control model.

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    IoT Traffic Anomaly Detection Based on Device Type Identification and BP Neural Network
    Weichao YANG, Yuanbo GUO, Ya ZHONG, Shuaihui ZHEN
    2019, 19 (12):  53-63.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.007
    Abstract ( 660 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (4706KB) ( 739 )  

    The rapid development of the Internet of Things has brought about numerous security threats. In particular, it is not uncommon for an attacker to use a device vulnerability to invade a device in advance and launch a network attack. In order to effectively deal with the security threat of the Internet of Things, combined with the characteristics of the Internet of Things system, In this paper, the traffic anomaly detection model based on the device model is designed. The model uses the method of setting the damped time window to extract the time statistical features and construct the fingerprint. Then the fingerprint is classified according to the device type. Finally, the principal component analysis method is used to reduce the features and use BP neural network algorithm for training and identification of anomaly detection. In order to further verify the contribution of equipment model classification to anomaly detection, this paper compares the effects of random forest, support vector machine in detection and evaluates the experimental results. The results show that the accuracy of anomaly detection based on equipment model can be increased by 10%. BP neural network has the best detection effect, with an average of more than 90%.

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    Security Authentication Protocol for RFID/NFC Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
    Yongshuang WEI, Jianhua CHEN, Yongmei WEI
    2019, 19 (12):  64-71.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.008
    Abstract ( 676 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (1865KB) ( 593 )  

    This paper designs a RFID/NFC security authentication protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography. The protocol not only satisfies the most basic characteristics of RFID system, such as mutual authentication, confidentiality, anonymity and others, but also resists tracking attack, spoofing attack, denial of service attack, etc. Different from most RFID authentication protocols, the protocol implements both reading and writing functions for tags and readers and peer-to-peer communication, so it is also suitable for NFC system evolved from the integration of RFID technology and interoperability technology. In addition, the protocol negotiates the public secret key of both parties to guarantee the subsequent communication, reading, modifying data, etc. This paper uses the strand space model to formally prove the protocol from two aspects of mutual authentication and confidentiality. The results show that the protocol is a secure authentication protocol for a communicable RFID/NFC system.

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    Analyzing Malware Behavior and Capability Related Text Based on Feature Extraction
    Xuruirui FENG, Jiayong LIU, Pengsen CHENG
    2019, 19 (12):  72-78.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.009
    Abstract ( 812 )   HTML ( 25 )   PDF (1161KB) ( 751 )  

    In response to the threat of malware to cyberspace security, cybersecurity agencies have released a large number of malware reports, which contain many cybersecurity related information,such as the malware’s capabilities and the specific actions taken. By analyzing the malware reports and obtaining information, researchers can fully understand its functions and mount an effective defense. The task of automatically extract texts related to malware capabilities and behaviors from reports, facing the problems of a large number of reports, loose text structure, and polysemy. Based on the Bert pre-training model to disambiguate polysemy, input it into BiLSTM and attention mechanism network to further extract features and train the classifier. Experimented on the MalwareTextDB dataset, the recall rate and F1 value can be 85.56% and 66.67%. Compared to other methods, the model is able to extract texts related to malware behavior and capabilities from malware reports more automatically and efficiently.

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    Education Security Data Management Using Hierarchical Data Quality Assessment Method
    Mingzheng WANG, Weiqiang MENG, Jianhua HUANG, Feixia WU
    2019, 19 (12):  79-87.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.010
    Abstract ( 610 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (1254KB) ( 325 )  

    Multi-source network security data from different platform bring challenges for network supervisors. This paper presents a comprehensive quality evaluation method of big data based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP), establishes a hierarchical data quality assessment model for multi-source system platform, designs a hierarchical data quality metric system, and introduces two new data quality dimensions, richness and exchangeability. This paper analyzed the security data set of a city's comprehensive big data platform for education, and proposed management solutions to improve the data quality.

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    A Summary of Medical Information Security Management in Internet Era
    Li WEI, Qin DUAN, Zhiwei LIU
    2019, 19 (12):  88-92.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.12.011
    Abstract ( 682 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (990KB) ( 899 )  

    With the promotion of the strategy of Health China, the extension of medical and health services from medical institutions to patients has become an important measure to improve patient satisfaction and enhance people’s sense of access. Internet technology is an important support for supply-side reform, the wide application of internet technology in medical industry guides the transformation of traditional medical information technology architecture and the open of medical data to patients. The health care industry faces unprecedented internet security challenges in an increasingly complex environment. Analyze existing issues on topics like network security system reforming, medical data protection, construction of security protection capability, security incidence response with new requirement for medical information security work according to the internet ear. At last, the author provided suggestions on constructions of network security system in the internet era, the proposals includes extending information protection perimeter, medical data management standardization, strengthening the cooperation among hospitals and information security organizations, drawing up actionable information emergency plan.

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    2019, 19 (12):  93-93. 
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    2019, 19 (12):  94-94. 
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    2019, 19 (12):  95-96. 
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    2019, 19 (12):  97-97. 
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    2019, 19 (12):  98-98. 
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    2019, 19 (12):  99-99. 
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    2019, 19 (12):  100-100. 
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