信息网络安全 ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (12): 1922-1932.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2024.12.010
王靖亚 作者简介:
LIU Zhuoxian1, WANG Jingya1(), SHI Tuo2
刘卓娴, 王靖亚, 石拓. 融合对抗训练与BERT-CNN-BiLSTM多通道神经网络的恶意URL检测研究[J]. 信息网络安全, 2024, 24(12): 1922-1932.
LIU Zhuoxian, WANG Jingya, SHI Tuo. Research on Malicious URL Detection Using a Multi-Channel Neural Network that Integrates Adversarial Training with BERT-CNN-BiLSTM[J]. Netinfo Security, 2024, 24(12): 1922-1932.
恶意URL内容 | 类型 |
| Defacement |
| Mailware |
| Phishing |
| Spam |
模型 | accuracy | F1-score | recall | precision | loss |
BERT-CNN-BiLSTM | 96.25% | 96.26% | 96.25% | 96.25% | 0.1221 |
ROBERTA-CNN-BiLSTM | 95.92% | 95.92% | 95.92% | 95.93% | 0.1338 |
SPANBERT-CNN-BiLSTM | 95.83% | 95.83% | 95.83% | 95.83% | 0.1884 |
Word2Vec-CNN-BiLSTM(C) | 83.25% | 45.43% | 50.00% | 41.63% | 0.6747 |
Word2Vec-CNN-BiLSTM(S) | 83.25% | 45.43% | 50.00% | 41.63% | 0.6707 |
TF-IDF-CNN-BiLSTM | 83.13% | 45.39% | 50.00% | 41.56% | 0.6427 |
CNN-BiLSTM (无预处理模型) | 53.58% | 40.67% | 51.56% | 50.87% | 0.6749 |
模型 | accuracy | F1-score | recall | precision | loss |
BERT-CNN-BiLSTM | 97.00% | 97.48% | 97.00% | 96.62% | 0.1866 |
ROBERTA-CNN-BiLSTM | 94.58% | 93.35% | 94.58% | 94.85% | 0.1852 |
SPANBERT-CNN-BiLSTM | 96.83% | 96.91% | 96.83% | 97.32% | 0.3756 |
Word2Vec-CNN-BiLSTM(C) | 83.54% | 76.05% | 83.54% | 69.79% | 1.6094 |
Word2Vec-CNN-BiLSTM(S) | 82.42% | 74.47% | 82.42% | 67.93% | 0.8434 |
TF-IDF-CNN-BiLSTM | 77.50% | 74.82% | 77.50% | 72.34% | 0.9292 |
CNN-BiLSTM (无预处理模型) | 51.08% | 59.18% | 51.08% | 71.98% | 1.5233 |
模型 | accuracy | F1-score | recall | precision |
BERT-CNN-BiLSTM+FGM | 96.42% | 96.43% | 96.42% | 96.44% |
DECISION TREE | 92.50% | 92.13% | 92.50% | 92.20% |
LOGISTIC REGRESSION | 90.25% | 88.83% | 90.25% | 90.40% |
SVM | 93.42% | 92.94% | 93.42% | 93.39% |
RANDOM FOREST | 93.08% | 92.60% | 93.08% | 92.96% |
NAIVE BAYES | 90.83% | 89.32% | 90.83% | 91.74% |
模型 | accuracy | F1-score | recall | precision |
BERT-CNN-BiLSTM+FGM | 98.25% | 98.24% | 98.25% | 98.21% |
DECISION TREE | 96.58% | 96.42% | 96.58% | 96.44% |
LOGISTIC REGRESSION | 95.17% | 94.58% | 95.17% | 94.79% |
SVM | 95.42% | 95.00% | 95.42% | 94.96% |
RANDOM FOREST | 97.00% | 96.82% | 97.00% | 96.96% |
NAIVE BAYES | 92.83% | 91.72% | 92.83% | 92.00% |
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