信息网络安全 ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (12): 1911-1921.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2024.12.009
徐健锋1, 张炜1, 涂敏2,3(), 魏勍颋1, 赖展晴1, 王倩倩1
涂敏 作者简介:
XU Jianfeng1, ZHANG Wei1, TU Min2,3(), WEI Qingting1, LAI Zhanqing1, WANG Qianqian1
徐健锋, 张炜, 涂敏, 魏勍颋, 赖展晴, 王倩倩. 基于语义融合轨迹生成的k匿名轨迹集补全方法[J]. 信息网络安全, 2024, 24(12): 1911-1921.
XU Jianfeng, ZHANG Wei, TU Min, WEI Qingting, LAI Zhanqing, WANG Qianqian. A k-Anonymity Completion Method Generated Based on Semantic Fusion Trajectories[J]. Netinfo Security, 2024, 24(12): 1911-1921.
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