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    10 June 2021, Volume 21 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    An Authentication Scheme Based on SGX for Industrial Internet of Things
    LIU Xin, GUO Zhenbin, SONG Yuchen
    2021, 21 (6):  1-10.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.001
    Abstract ( 553 )   HTML ( 31 )   PDF (1237KB) ( 314 )  

    Industrial internet of things is widely used in manufacturing, logistics, petroleum, aviation and other fields, which brings revolutionary opportunities for the production and operation of modern industry. However, due to the openness of the communication channel of the industrial Internet of things and the limited resources of the terminal equipment, the security, real-time and high efficiency of data and control instruction transmission are particularly important. Therefore, a secure and efficient authentication scheme for industrial Internet of things is indispensable. In recent years, most of the authentication schemes are vulnerable to privileged user attacks and terminal equipment tracking attacks. This paper designs an authentication scheme based on SGX for industrial Internet of things. The scheme uses SGX to store the master key and realizes the confidential computing by the characteristics of SGX memory confidentiality, which can effectively resist the privileged user attacks and the terminal equipment tracking attacks. Finally, the AVISPA simulation tool and the formal security analysis prove that the proposed scheme has more comprehensive security. The performance comparison and NS3 simulation prove that the scheme has better practicability and advanced nature.

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    An Accuracy and Efficiency Multi-hop Localization for Irregular Network
    ZHANG Zheng, LIU Ya’nan, WANG Lei, FANG Xuming
    2021, 21 (6):  11-18.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.002
    Abstract ( 340 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (1877KB) ( 188 )  

    Due to the low performance of multi-hop localization in the irregular networks, a novel accuracy, and efficiency multi-hop localization algorithm was proposed. First, an efficient distance estimation method was employed to estimate the distance between anchors and non-anchors. Second, an optimal weighting matrix was derived by the distance estimation error and uses the optimal weighting matrix and a hyperbolic estimation method to eliminate the influence of multi-hop cumulative error on positioning accuracy and stability. Last, the outlier estimated estimation was found by analyzing the geometric relationship between nodes and correct with Bounding-Box algorithm. Performance and experimental analysis all show that the proposed algorithm has high localization accuracy and low operating cost.

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    Design of DDS Secure Communication Middleware Based on Security Negotiation
    SHEN Zhuowei, GAO Peng, XU Xinyu
    2021, 21 (6):  19-25.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.003
    Abstract ( 787 )   HTML ( 34 )   PDF (1095KB) ( 458 )  

    In response to the security threats faced by distributed real-time applications based on DDS in critical areas, a PKI based DDS secure communication middleware scheme is proposed, which adopts plug-in design and supports the functions of identity authentication, access control and data encryption and decryption. The scheme not only keeps the APIs consistent with the original DDS middleware, but also integrates the security negotiation process with the discovery mechanism of DDS. By using the customized security QoS and standardized QoS negotiation mechanism, the security service level and encryption algorithm can be chosen and configured flexibly. The confidentiality of data distribution is achieved by combing asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption. Theoretical analysis and prototype system test show that the proposed DDS middleware can solve the security threats such as unauthorized subscription, unauthorized publishing and insecure channel transmission in the process of data distribution, and the delay is only slightly increased compared with the original DDS middleware. This scheme gives consideration to both security and efficiency.

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    Automatic Intrusion Response Decision-making Method Based on Q-Learning
    LIU Jing*, ZHANG Yuchen, ZHANG Hongqi
    2021, 21 (6):  26-35.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.004
    Abstract ( 459 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (4404KB) ( 144 )  

    Aiming at the problem of poor adaptability of existing automatic intrusion response decision-making, this paper proposes an automatic intrusion response decision-making method based on Q-Learning (Q-AIRD). Q-AIRD formalizes the states and actions of network attack and defense based on the attack graph, and introduces the attack mode layer to identify attackers with different abilities, so as to make more targeted response actions. According to the characteristics of intrusion response, the Softmax algorithm is adopted and the security threshold θ, stable reward factor μ and penalty factor ν are introduced to select the response strategy. Based on the voting mechanism, the multi-response purpose evaluation of the strategy is realized to meet the needs of the multi-response purpose. On this basis, an automatic intrusion response decision algorithm based on Q-Learning is designed. The simulation results show that Q-AIRD has good adaptability and can realize timely and effective intrusion response decision-making.

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    Research on Raft Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain
    WU Yi, ZHONG Sheng
    2021, 21 (6):  36-44.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.005
    Abstract ( 581 )   HTML ( 21 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 532 )  

    Consensus algorithm is not only a key component of blockchain technology, but also a hot topic in distributed systems research in recent years. New consensus algorithms have been proposed during the quickly-growing of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, followed by the verification of those improved algorithms. And there are more than 50 consensus algorithms which have official names. This paper studies some consensus algorithms and introduces the classic distributed consistency algorithms, as well as the milestone research efforts and the key conclusions of distributed consensus algorithms. This paper propose two approaches to improve the Raft consistency algorithms, and hope this paper could be a useful guidance and reference for the future innovation work of novel consensus algorithms and the development of blockchain technology.

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    Quantum Color Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Alternating Quantum Walk
    LI Dan, YAN Ting, GUO Rui
    2021, 21 (6):  45-51.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.006
    Abstract ( 478 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (1100KB) ( 164 )  

    Confidential images need to be encrypted as securely as possible. In view of the fact that most of the classical image encryption algorithms only provide computational security, a quantum color image encryption scheme based on alternating quantum walk is proposed. The algorithm is an unconditional security quantum image encryption algorithm, which can resist quantum computer attacks in theory. In addition, complexity of the quantum circuit realized by the scheme is O(n+q), compared with the complexity O(2 2 n) required by classical image encryption. The efficiency is exponentially improved. And compared with quantum image encryption schemes, it has great advantages in security and resource consumption. So it has great potential applications in the future.

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    Multiple Classification Detection Method for Malware Based on XGBoost and Stacking Fusion Model
    XU Guotian*, SHEN Yaotong
    2021, 21 (6):  52-62.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.007
    Abstract ( 547 )   HTML ( 22 )   PDF (2077KB) ( 136 )  

    Current in the field of malicious programs more classification test, the traditional static and dynamic testing methods are greatly influenced by reverse forensics technology; the new detection method based on network traffic, because of various kinds of malicious program flow characteristics of the similarity is bigger, the data extracted using artificial flow characteristics and the traditional machine learning method can not obtain higher accuracy. Aiming at the above problems, this paper proposes a malicious program multi-classification detection method based on XGBoost and Stacking fusion model. In acquiring target malware external traffic and automatically extract the initial network characteristics, preprocessing and multiple feature selection of the initial data set, and then use based on the characteristics of the XGBoost create algorithm, in the initial features advanced automatic generation based on set, and connecting with the Stacking integration algorithm more fusion model to enhance the malicious program classification accuracy of detection. In this process, in order to reduce the time to find the optimal parameter combination, the Bayesian optimization method is used to determine the optimal parameter combination of each model, and a variety of regularization strategies are adopted to solve the problem of model overfitting. Experimental results show that, compared with other traditional methods, the proposed method has a higher accuracy in multi-classification of malicious programs.

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    Named Entity Recognition Model of Telecommunication Network Fraud Crime Based on ELECTRA-CRF
    DING Jiawei, LIU Xiaodong
    2021, 21 (6):  63-69.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.008
    Abstract ( 674 )   HTML ( 26 )   PDF (1063KB) ( 345 )  

    This paper proposes a text named entity recognition model of telecommunication network fraud crimes based on ELECTRA-CRF. Firstly, the annotated corpus is input into ELECTRA model to obtain the state transition features with Chinese characters as granularity. And then CRF model is used to calculate the transfer score to determine the entity label group of the character at the current position and its adjacent position. Finally, the BERT-CRF model and RoBERTa-CRF model are compared through experiments. The experimental results show that the text named entity recognition model proposed in this paper based on ELECTRA-CRF is significantly better than the other two deep learning models in operation efficiency, and the loss of the accuracy, recall rate and reconciliation average are very small. It can be well applied to the named entity recognition of telecommunication network fraud crimes.

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    Secure Interaction Scheme between SDN Application Plane and Control Plane
    FAN Guangyu, WANG Xingwei, JIA Jie, HUANG Min
    2021, 21 (6):  70-79.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.009
    Abstract ( 426 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (1304KB) ( 220 )  

    Software defined networking (SDN) brings new challenges to network security while promoting network innovation. This paper studies the secure interaction scheme between SDN application plane and control plane to ensure that SDN can provide reliable network services. Firstly, this paper proposes the overall architecture of the secure interaction scheme between SDN application plane and control plane. Secondly, the TLS protocol is used to complete the two-way authentication and secure communication between the application and the controller agent. At the same time, application authority management and application identity information management are designed to ensure that applications can access the controller securely and reasonably. Then, flow rule conflict detection and reconciliation algorithms are proposed to ensure the correct implementation of network policies. Finally, the system is implemented based on Floodlight and Mininet and compared with the existing SDN application identity authentication mechanisms and authority management mechanisms. The experimental results show that the delay introduced by the secure interaction scheme between SDN application plane and control plane proposed in this paper is acceptable.

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    RLWE-type Authentication Key Exchange Protocol Based on Key Encapsulation Mechanism
    WANG Chao, HAN Yiliang, DUAN Xiaowei, LI Yu
    2021, 21 (6):  80-88.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.010
    Abstract ( 619 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (1046KB) ( 223 )  

    At present, constructing key exchange protocol based on lattice theory has become the research frontier in the field of key exchange. Designing efficient key exchange protocol with stronger security, smaller size of key and ciphertext and communication overhead is an important and difficult problem in the field of lattice key exchange.Based on the compact RLWE public key encryption scheme and the ciphertext compression and NTT conversion technology in NewHope-Simple, and combined with FO conversion mechanism, an active secure KEM scheme is proposed. Using the implicit authentication and identity authentication methods, an authenticated key exchange protocol which can prove secure under the standard eCK model is constructed. In terms of protocol security, the proposed protocol improves from passive security to active security compared with NewHope-Simple protocol. In terms of ciphertext size and communication overhead, compared with the existing key exchange protocols based on key encapsulation mechanism, the key encapsulation mechanism in this protocol effectively reduces the ciphertext size and communication overhead through analysis, which is a compact, efficient and active secure anti-quantum authentication key exchange protocol based on key encapsulation mechanism.

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    Research on WSN Topological Invulnerability Based on Adaptive Simulated Annealing Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
    SONG Yulong, WANG Lei, WU Xinrong, ZENG Weijun
    2021, 21 (6):  89-96.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2021.06.011
    Abstract ( 324 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (1511KB) ( 169 )  

    According to the characteristics of WSN nodes vulnerable to failure and damage, the invulnerability of WSN network was studied from the perspective of topology structure. Taking the natural connectivity of the network as the optimization objective, and considering the constraints of the total connectivity of the network nodes, the number of nodes and links, the communication radius of the nodes and the load of the nodes, a network topology invulnerability optimization model was established. Model was NP-hard problem, this paper proposed a new heuristic algorithm-adaptive simulated annealing particle swarm optimization algorithm, which applied the simulated annealing method before updating the particle population, to replace the part of fitness poor particles, overcome the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm easy to fall into local optimum, and the inertia weight adaptation method was used to guarantee the convergence speed. Experimental results show that this method is effective to solve the network topology invulnerability optimization model. By using different strategies to attack the network nodes, the network topology optimized by the proposed algorithm is proved to be highly invulnerability.

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