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    10 May 2019, Volume 19 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research on Transaction and Security Based on Blockchain Technology
    Wenming WANG, Chongyang SHI, Yinghao WANG, Dejian WEI
    2019, 19 (5):  1-9.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.001
    Abstract ( 704 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (10079KB) ( 345 )  

    Nowadays, with the increasing frequency of network transactions and the emergence of various network transaction systems, the security of network transactions is facing many challenges, and it has become a research hotspot in the field of information security. It is of great significance to ensure the security of network transactions. In view of the need for transaction security, blockchain technology is gradually being studied and adopted in the fields of finance, market and economy. In this paper, the basic knowledge of blockchain technology, transaction structure, working mode and the process of blockchain investment and transaction are analyzed and studied, and an investment and transaction platform based on Ethereum blockchain technology is constructed. Smart contract is adopted on this platform. In this paper, the development and implementation process of the system are discussed in detail, the whole transaction process is displayed, the security problems of the transaction process and the security problems of the samrt contract itself are discussed and analyzed, and the availability of the investment trading system is verified by experiments.

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    Review of Image Enhancement Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
    Chunguang MA, Yaoyao GUO, Peng WU, Haibo LIU
    2019, 19 (5):  10-12.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.002
    Abstract ( 1195 )   HTML ( 29 )   PDF (14761KB) ( 494 )  

    In recent years, generative adversarial networks(GAN) has provided new techniques and means for image enhancement. It has more powerful feature learning and expression capabilities than traditional deep learning, and has achieved remarkable success in the field of image enhancement. Firstly, the basic ideas and principles of GAN model are introduced, and the improvement methods, advantages and disadvantages of GAN variants are analyzed. Secondly, the research status of GAN applied to image enhancement is analyzed from the aspects of image quality improvement, image generation, image complementation and other image processing applications. Finally, the GAN model and the problems in image enhancement are summarized and summarized, and the solution and future application of the problem are summarized.

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    Intrusion Collaborative Disposal Method of Spoofed IP Address in DDoS Attacks
    Ke ZHANG, Youjie WANG, Shaoyin CHENG, Lidong WANG
    2019, 19 (5):  22-29.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.003
    Abstract ( 1902 )   HTML ( 18 )   PDF (9394KB) ( 221 )  

    Spoofed IP address is the basis of many DDoS attacks, which makes it difficult to trace and respond to security incidents. URPF is mainly used to prevent the network attacks based on the source address spoofing. Network ingress filtering is used to check the packets from the network inside. On basis of telecom enterprise network this paper proposes the spoofed IP address collaborative disposal method based on the URPF technology and network ingress filtering, which realizes double filtering of the spoofed IP address inside the network and on the boundary export. Experiments show that this method can effectively prevent spoofed IP address traffic. After the large-scale application of Anhui telecom backbone network, monitoring data from CNCERT confirmed that Anhui telecom backbone routers have no local forged traffic and cross-domain forged traffic.

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    TPKC-CLPKC Heterogeneous Hybrid Signcryption Scheme under 5G Network
    Yulei ZHANG, Guangping LUO, Huan WANG, Xiangzhen LIU
    2019, 19 (5):  30-37.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.004
    Abstract ( 800 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (9091KB) ( 160 )  

    Heterogeneous signcryption can be used to guarantee the confidentiality and the unforgeability in the different cryptographies. By analyzing some existing heterogeneous signcryption schemes, it is found that those schemes are slow in operation and more suitable for encrypting short messages. Hybrid signcryption can efficiently encapsulate symmetric keys and securely transmit data. This paper proposes a heterogeneous hybrid signcryption scheme for the traditional public key cryptosystem (TPKC)-certificate public key cryptosystem (CLPKC) under 5G network.The scheme can not only ensure the confidentiality and the unforgeability from TPKC to CLPKC, but also fastly handle the arbitrary length messages. Based on the bilinear Diffie-Hellman difficulty hypothesis, the Diffie-Hellman difficulty hypothesis and the discrete logarithm difficulty problem, it is proved that the scheme satisfies the unforgeability under the adaptive ciphertext attack and the unforgeability under the adaptive selection message.Based on the bilinear of Diffie-Hellman difficulty hypothesis, computational Diffie-Hellman and Discrete logarithm, under the random oracle model.The scheme posseses indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack and existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen messages attack.

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    Research and Design of a Secure Medical Information Management System for Wireless Body Area Network
    Limin MA, Wei ZHANG, Xiyao LIU
    2019, 19 (5):  38-46.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.005
    Abstract ( 516 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (9855KB) ( 153 )  

    There are many security problems, such as data source authentication, node validity authentication, data confidentiality and data integrity authentication in the medical information transmission system based on wireless body area network. Meanwhile, the computing and storage resources of wireless sensor nodes are limited. Based on zero-knowledge proof and zero-watermarking algorithms, combined with AES encryption algorithm, a secure medical information management system which is suitable for wireless body area network environment is proposed in this paper. The system is implement on MicaZ sensor nodes using Nes Cprogramming language. The theoretical proof and experimental results show that the proposed scheme can effectively solve the security problems faced by wireless body area network, and it is suitable for the safe transmission and management of medical information in actual WBAN environment.

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    Ciphertext Policy Attribute-based Encryption Scheme Supporting Traitor Tracing
    Xixi YAN, Qichao ZHANG, Yongli TANG, Qinlong HUANG
    2019, 19 (5):  47-53.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.006
    Abstract ( 623 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (8290KB) ( 152 )  

    Attribute-based encryption(ABE) which can realize fine-grained access control by matching the access structure with attribute set meets the demand of secret data sharing in “one-to-many” environment. So it is widely used in the field of cloud computing, big data, privacy protection and so on. However, there are cases in which a traitor(or a malicious user) leaks a private key to obtain an illegal benefit in practical use. To solve this problem, a ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption scheme supporting traitor tracing is proposed in the paper. Based on the ABE scheme proposed by IBRAIMI, the Boneh-Boyen signature algorithm is introduced in the private key generation algorithm to track the traitor. The scheme is proved to be secure against chosen plaintext attack under DBDH assumption. The performance analysis shows that the size of the ciphertext and the private key are reduced, and the cost of computation and communication are optimized. Therefore, the scheme has higher theoretical significance and application values in file sharing, electronic medical records, and so on.

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    Image Steganography Scheme Based on GANs
    Yaojie WANG, Ke NIU, Xiaoyuan YANG
    2019, 19 (5):  54-60.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.007
    Abstract ( 851 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (8916KB) ( 177 )  

    Focused on the issue that information-hidden carriers will leave traces of modification, and it is fundamentally difficult to resist the statistical steganalysis algorithm detection. A new security steganography model based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) is proposed.By generating more appropriate carrier information to ensure the security of information hiding and improving the imperceptibility, we can effectively resist the steganalysis algorithm detection.The proposed strategy is to jointly generate the anti-network and traditional information hiding, and use the “generated” image and the “traditional” image as the discriminator input, and iteratively optimizes it,which make the image generated by the generator more suitable as carrier information. Compared with SGAN and SSGAN, this model reduces the detection accuracy of steganalysis by 9% and 4.1% respectively. Experimental results show that the new scheme is superior to the contrast algorithm in Anti-steganography analysis and security indicators.

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    Emotion Classification Technology for Online Video Comments on the Internet
    Hui LI, Shice NI, Jia XIAO, Tianzhong ZHAO
    2019, 19 (5):  61-68.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.008
    Abstract ( 739 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (8979KB) ( 157 )  

    With the rapid growth of online videos, more and more people begin to publish comments on videos of video websites. Users' comments usually include personal emotions and some of the key information about the videos, which makes significant impact on video viewing decisions for Web users. Emotion classification and extracting key words from online video comments automatically have become an urgent problem. This paper focuses on the emotion classification for online video comments, and analyzes the influence of different feature extraction and feature selection methods and different classification algorithms on the accuracy of online video comments emotion classification. Simulation results show that the online video comments emotion classification model proposed in this paper has high accuracy.

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    An Effective Hybrid Network Coding Scheme Against Pollution Attacks
    Yaxuan WANG, Xijun LIN, Haipeng QU
    2019, 19 (5):  69-76.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.009
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF (8056KB) ( 107 )  

    Cryptographic researchers use homomorphic signatures or homomorphic MAC methods to ensure message integrity in network coding environments. However, with the increase of the amount of data, the homomorphic signature method has more and more overhead. Although the homomorphic MAC method can effectively reduce the overhead, there are tag pollution and intergenerational pollution problems. In order to more effectively guarantee the integrity of the message in the network coding and improve the system performance, this paper proposes a hybrid network coding scheme combining homomorphic MAC and homomorphic signature, and uses the homomorphic MAC method to generate a label set for the transmitted data packet. Then sign the tag collection. The generation identifier of the message is introduced in the scheme design, and the intermediate node can perform network coding on the data packet from the same generation message according to the generation identifier of the message. The intermediate node can discover and discard contaminated data packets in time through double verification of signatures and labels. Through the safety analysis, the scheme realizes the functions of resisting data pollution, tag pollution and intergenerational pollution.

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    DNS Protocol Restore System for Security Analysis Based on Large-scale Network
    Yi WEN, Xingshu CHEN, Xuemei ZENG, Yonggang LUO
    2019, 19 (5):  77-83.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.010
    Abstract ( 637 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (8153KB) ( 140 )  

    Network traffic restoration is the foundation of network security analysis. A DNS protocol restoration systemfor security analysis based on Storm was proposed aiming at the real-time response to massive data in big data network environment. The system obtains original data packets from the message system, parses the data packet layer by layer, and serializes the restored DNS data to the message system for subsequent security analysis. Based on the restoration, the data which used the protocol’s vulnerabilities or had an abnormal format would be researched and the system has the function to tell the packets which are abnormal in format, using UDP’s relaxation space injection or using Null to cheat and send message. The results of the experiment showed that the system had efficient real-time processing capabilities in the 10Gbps real big data network environment with the average processing delay within 5ms, and the ability to recognize and process abnormally formatted DNS packets.

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    Research on DDoS Attack Model Based on Web Application Layer
    Zhibin YU, Cheng MA, Siqi LI, Miao WANG
    2019, 19 (5):  84-90.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2019.05.011
    Abstract ( 648 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (7734KB) ( 197 )  

    Due to the rapid development of cloud computing and IoT technology, unsafe network space resources are growing exponentially, leading to distributed denial of service attacks(DDoS) gradually becoming the most important threat to computer network security. In the process of attack and defense, the development trend of DDoS attack is changing from traditional single-line attack to platform attack. Currently, the research fields of Web application layer attacks mainly focus on traditional CC attacks, mutated CC attacks, HTTP slow attacks and new features attacks of Web Socket based on HTML5. On the basis of existing research, this paper makes a deep analysis of two kinds of DDoS attack models based on Web application layer, one is based on API, the other is based on Web backdoor. Both models are new attack modes based on Web characteristics and have typical characteristics. The research on this kind of attack model is helpful for network security researchers to propose corresponding defense methods and improve the ability of Web server to resist DDoS attacks.

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