Netinfo Security ›› 2025, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 134-148.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2025.01.012
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JIANG Hao, LIU Chengjie, WEN Weiping()
WEN Weiping
CLC Number:
JIANG Hao, LIU Chengjie, WEN Weiping. A Hybrid System for Runtime Protection inside Java Application[J]. Netinfo Security, 2025, 25(1): 134-148.
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类 | 钩点 |
com/mysql/jdbc/NonRegisteringDriver | ConnectionHook |
com/mysql/jdbc/NonRegisteringDriver | DriverManagerHook |
org/sqlite/JDBC | DriverManagerHook |
org/postgresql/Driver | DriverManagerHook |
com/mysql/jdbc/PreparedStatement | StatementHook |
com/mysql/jdbc/StatementImpl | StatementHook |
org/sqlite/jdbc3/JDBC3Statement | StatementHook |
... | ... |
rg/postgresql/jdbc/PgStatement | StatementHook |
org/hsqldb/jdbc/JDBCStatement | StatementHook |
com/mysql/jdbc/ResultSetImpl | SQLResultSetHook |
org/sqlite/jdbc3/JDBC3ResultSet | SQLResultSetHook |
oracle/jdbc/.../OracleResultSetImpl | SQLResultSetHook |
org/sqlite/Conn | ConnectionPreparedHook |
oracle/jdbc/.../PhysicalConnection | ConnectionPreparedHook |
com/ibm/db2/jcc/am/Connectio | ConnectionPreparedHook |
org/apache/../fileupload/FileUploadBase | MultipleHook |
类 | 钩点 |
com/bes/.../OutputBuffer | BESResponseBodyHook |
io/undertow/.../ServletRequestContext | ServerRequestHook |
io/undertow/.../AttachmentKey | ServerRequestHook |
org/apache/coyote/Response | ServerResponseBodyHook |
... | ... |
org/apache/catalina/connector/Request | ServerParamHook |
apache/catalina/.../FilterChain | ServerPreRequestHook |
apache/catalina/.../CoyoteAdapter | ServerPreRequestHook |
org/springframework/.../RequestWrapper | SpringHook |
解决方案 | 50% Line /ms | 90% Line /ms | 95% Line /ms | 吞吐率 /QPS | 接受速率 /KB·s-1 | 发送速率/KB·s-1 |
原始应用程序 (良性) | 4 | 6 | 6 | 200.1 | 1016.11 | 29.90 |
原始应用程序 (恶意) | 5 | 5 | 5 | 200.0 | 1025.18 | 33.10 |
OpenRASP (良性) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 199.8 | 1029.22 | 29.86 |
OpenRASP (恶意) | 5 | 9 | 30 | 199.8 | 1062.84 | 36.20 |
去掉BERT的HP-RASP (良性) | 5 | 7 | 10 | 199.9 | 1028.87 | 29.87 |
去掉BERT的HP-RASP (恶意) | 5 | 7 | 9 | 199.9 | 1059.99 | 34.77 |
HP-RASP (良性) | 5 | 7 | 10 | 200.0 | 1028.93 | 29.87 |
HP-RASP (恶意) | 5 | 7 | 9 | 200.1 | 1069.78 | 34.79 |
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