Netinfo Security ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (7): 1-8.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2023.07.001

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Quantum Solving Euler’s Totient Function to Crack RSA

ZHANG Xinglan1,2, ZHANG Feng1,2()   

  1. 1. Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
    2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Trusted Computing, Beijing 100124, China
  • Received:2023-01-16 Online:2023-07-10 Published:2023-07-14


Quantum computing is a novel computing mode based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which has the natural advantages of parallel computing. Shor’s algorithm is an algorithm that can quickly decompose integers and is expected to crack RSA encryption technology. However, Shor’s algorithm is difficult to be implemented on a quantum computer due to the fact that the modular power circuit to be constructed is extremely complex, and the number of qubits affects the accuracy of the subsequent continued fractions. To solve the above problems, this paper proposed a new algorithm based on the knowledge of number theory and RSA algorithm, designed relevant quantum circuits to solve the Euler’s totient function of the integer N to be decomposed. After the Euler’s totient function of the integer N to be decomposed was solved by quantum computing, the two prime factors could be obtained by constructing and solving a system of binary linear equations. Moreover, the private key could be further calculated by combining the public key, so as to crack the ciphertext. On the basis of universality, this algorithm only uses 2n+2 qubits, only needs to solve the modular multiplication of numbers, and does not need to calculate continued fractions.

Key words: quantum computing, Shor’s algorithm, RSA algorithm, Euler’s totient function

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