信息网络安全 ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (10): 1515-1527.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2024.10.005
王南1,2, 袁也1,2, 杨浩然1,2, 文周之1,2, 苏明1,2,3,4(), 刘晓光1,2
苏明, 作者简介:
WANG Nan1,2, YUAN Ye1,2, YANG Haoran1,2, WEN Zhouzhi1,2, SU Ming1,2,3,4(), LIU Xiaoguang1,2
王南, 袁也, 杨浩然, 文周之, 苏明, 刘晓光. 环保大数据在区块链中的隐私计算[J]. 信息网络安全, 2024, 24(10): 1515-1527.
WANG Nan, YUAN Ye, YANG Haoran, WEN Zhouzhi, SU Ming, LIU Xiaoguang. Privacy Computing in Environmental Big Data on Blockchain[J]. Netinfo Security, 2024, 24(10): 1515-1527.
多项式次数 | 多项式函数表达式 |
2 | y2=0.09401488x2+0.49922105x+0.46555915 |
3 | y3=0.000118167887x3+0.0940148772x2+0.497444982x+0.46555915 |
4 | y4=-0.00324432116x4+0.000118167487x3+0.163675005x2+0.497444995x+0.291060996 |
5 | y5=0.0000042x5-0.003244x4+0.00000122x3+0.163675005x2+0.498072743x+0.291060996 |
6 | y6=0.0002379x6+0.0000042x5-0.01137x4+0.00000122x3+0.2315x2+0.4981x+0.210103044 |
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