信息网络安全 ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 121-132.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1122.2024.01.012
HONG Xuanquan, JIA Peng(), LIU Jiayong
JIA Peng
洪玄泉, 贾鹏, 刘嘉勇. AFLNeTrans:状态间关系感知的网络协议模糊测试[J]. 信息网络安全, 2024, 24(1): 121-132.
HONG Xuanquan, JIA Peng, LIU Jiayong. AFLNeTrans: Fuzzing of Protocols with State Relationship Awareness[J]. Netinfo Security, 2024, 24(1): 121-132.
AFLNET和AFLNeTrans在24 h内平均状态转移的数量
软件 | AFLNET | AFLNeTrans |
LightFTP | 316 | 336 (6.3%↑) |
BFTPD | 296 | 310(4.7%↑) |
Pure-Ftpd | 377 | 415(10.1%↑) |
Live555 | 95 | 105 (10.3%↑) |
Kamailio | 154 | 343 (122.7%↑) |
TinyDTLS | 3 | 3(-) |
OpenSSH | 2105 | 2296(9.1%↑) |
Forked-Daapd | 34 | 65(91.2%↑) |
Dcmtk | 3 | 3(-) |
Exim | 55 | 73(32.7%↑) |
Dnsmasq | 4826 | 7325(51.8%↑) |
共计 | 8264 | 11274(36.4%↑) |
4个模糊器在24 h内unique_crash的数量
软件 | AFLNET/个 | AFLNWE/个 | StateAFL/个 | AFLNeTrans/个 |
LightFTP | 0 | 0(-) | 0 | 0(-) |
BTFPD | 33 | 38(15.2↑) | 40(21.2%↑) | 47(42.4%↑) |
Pure-Ftpd | 0 | 0(-) | 0(-) | 0(-) |
Live555 | 160 | 95(40.6%↓) | 207(29.4%↑) | 165(3.12%↑) |
Kamailio | 1 | 0(100%↓) | 0(100%↓) | 6(500%↑) |
TinyDTLS | 33 | 23(30.3%↓) | 35(6.1%↑) | 47(42.4%↑) |
OpenSSH | 0 | 0(-) | 0(-) | 0(-) |
Forked-daapd | 0 | 0(-) | 0(-) | 0(-) |
Dcmtk | 14 | 0(100%↓) | 17(21.4%↑) | 20(42.9%↑) |
Exim | 0 | 0(-) | 0(-) | 0(-) |
Dnsmasq | 40 | 35(12.5%↓) | 45(12.5%↑) | 46(15.0%↑) |
共计 | 281 | 191(39.2%↓) | 344(22.4%↑) | 331(17.8%↑) |
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