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NIE Jin-hui%SU Hong-qi
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摘要: 在物联网技术中,基于位置的服务在定位技术的推动下得到长足发展,在给用户带来便利的同时,也给用户位置信息的暴露提供了极大可能。文章研究了位置数据保护的主要技术和研究进展,分析了各类隐私保护方法,为位置隐私数据保护研究研究提供了一定的借鉴。
Abstract: Technology of Internet of Things is going deep into various field of our society. Location-based service is making great progress driven by technology of location. Such service brings great convenience to people, but in the meanwhile, it make location-data leak be possible. This paper introduced main technology of location-data protection, analyzed types of privacy-protection method, provided a reference for location-data protection.
. 物联网位置数据安全策略研究[J]. .
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