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Review of Massive Small-ifle Storage Technology

ZHOU Guo-an%LI Qiang%CHEN Xin%HU Xu   

  • About author:空军预警学院,湖北武汉,430019

摘要: 随着物联网、云计算和大数据技术的飞速发展,越来越多的应用正向数据密集型转变,同时小文件数量正以指数级增长,传统的文件系统已经不能满足海量小文件存储需求,针对小文件的存储技术越来越受到业界重视。文章首先介绍小文件存储带来的问题并分析了原因,然后介绍了小文件存储优化技术,并介绍了三种典型的小文件存储系统,最后对小文件存储问题进行了总结与展望。

Abstract: With the rapid development of networking, cloud computing and big data technology, more and more applications are changing to data-intensive, meanwhile, the number of small-ifles is growing exponentially, traditional ifle system has been unable to meet the demand for storage of massive small-ifles , storage technology of small-ifles obtains more and more attention in storage ifeld. This paper introduces the problems of massive small-ifle storage and the reasons, then introduces some optimization technology of small-ifle storage, and introduces three typical small-ifle storage systems, makes a summary and outlook for the issue of small-ifle storage ifnally.