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    10 June 2014, Volume 14 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research on Operating System Camoulfage Technology of Fingerprint Characteristic
    2014, 14 (5):  1. 
    Abstract ( 381 )   PDF (1481KB) ( 532 )  
    Operating system camoulfage can make the host ifngerprint characteristic to hide the real operating system information, prevent the network attack, and ensure the safety of the operating system. Currently used in network attack tools are developed on the basis of a particular operating system, if the operating system's real information disguised will greatly reduce the system against damage. This paper studies the operating system camoulfage ifngerprint characteristic method and implementation technology, and based on the operating system of the Internet protocol, ICMP, TCP and UDP camoulfage was tested, the results show that the technology and method can to a certain extent to ensure the safety of the operating system.
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    Research of Linux WebShell Detection based on SVM Classiifer
    2014, 14 (5):  5. 
    Abstract ( 392 )   PDF (1316KB) ( 486 )  
    WebShell is a common webpage back door, which can be used by attackers to obtain Web server permissions. The realization mechanism of Linux WebShell is analyzed, the common characteristics and the characteristic mixed method are described in this paper. On this basis, a detection method based on SVM classiifer is put forward and realized. From three aspects of accuracy, speciifcity and sensitivity, the WebShell detection methods individually based on SVM classiifer, characteristic matching and decision tree are compared. The experimental result shows that the method proposed in this paper can detect WebShell accurately and efifciently.
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    Some Heuristic Discussion on ElGamal Encryption and Signature Schemes
    2014, 14 (5):  10. 
    Abstract ( 311 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 622 )  
    ElGamal encryption and signature schemes are based on discrete logarithm problem. The article summarizes the design rationale of ElGamal encryption and signature schemes. The design methods are analyzed extensively. This review helps learners to study those schemes, and facilitates instructors to teach those schemes.
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    Attribute-based Cipher-text Access Control Scheme Used in Cloud Storage of PHR
    2014, 14 (5):  15. 
    Abstract ( 294 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 154 )  
    This paper proposes a cryptographic access control scheme based on attribute in cloud storage for PHR .The symmetric crypto system(such as AES) is used to encrypt the original data by the Data Owner ,and the cipher-text attribute-based encryption algorithm is used to encrypt the symmetric key. According that the service of PHR Data has hierarchical users, purpose of accessing to PHR and hierarchical access control mechanism are combined to construct simple and efifcient access tree of CP-ABE, while simplifying the procedure of key management. By utilizing proxy re-encryption and lazy re-encryption, privileges are revoked by the cloud service provider, which can largely reduce computation tasks of DO.
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    The Security Modeling and Checking of the Fast Handover Authentication Protocol FHAM based on AVISPA
    2014, 14 (5):  21. 
    Abstract ( 269 )   PDF (1227KB) ( 526 )  
    The model checking technology was used, and the method of modeling the fast handover authentication protocol FHAM by HLPSL language and analyzing it by AVISPA based on Dolev-Yao model was used. The test results show that the protocol is secure, able to resist many types of malicious attacks, and achieves the desired security goals.
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    Research on the Techniques of Remote Video Capture based on VFW
    2014, 14 (5):  26. 
    Abstract ( 243 )   PDF (1715KB) ( 255 )  
    The application of multimedia technology in people's daily life is becoming more and more widely. Multimedia data, which includes image, video and audio, is becoming the major information media in the ifeld of information processing. Video capture technology is an important link of information processing, and the research on it has signiifcant practical value. A remote video capture method based on Video for Windows (VFW) is put forward in this paper. The method uses VFW to capture video data, adopts H.263 coding standard to compress the data and transmits the real-time video streams by stream socket of connection-oriented protocol. It plays video ifles combined with the multi-thread technology. Then a remote video capture system based on Windows is designed and realized. The experimental results show that the method has low CPU usage, low memory usage, high reliability and good application value.
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    Finding Community Structures of Users’ Relationships in Twitter
    2014, 14 (5):  32. 
    Abstract ( 499 )   PDF (1508KB) ( 2086 )  
    SNS (social networking service) has been integrated into public life. People upload their own information to the network and use the social networking sites to manage their social relationship. A large number of personal information is presented on social networks. Based on the Twitter platform, this paper designs to ifnd community structure of Twitter users. With the real-time information collecting, this paper rebuilds the relationships of users, improving Fast-Newman algorithms in dividing social networks. The paper uses a visualization system to automatically visualizing community structures, providing decision makers with user network behavior to implement personalized recommendation.
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    Big Data Analysis on Security based on Network Trafifc Metadata
    2014, 14 (5):  37. 
    Abstract ( 464 )   PDF (1160KB) ( 1224 )  
    The value of big data technology in the ifeld of network security has become increasingly prominent. This article conducted in-depth research and practice in the ifeld of network trafifc analysis from the perspective of protecting the campus network information security, collect and storage of a massive network trafifc metadata to using big data platform to do security correlation analysis, and then can enhance the campus network’s information security using the ifltered information.
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    Research of Malicious Code in Automatic Unpacking
    2014, 14 (5):  41. 
    Abstract ( 382 )   PDF (1403KB) ( 1410 )  
    Malware often use some advanced software protection techniques to evade detection, and the complex packing techniques is one of the typical, you must unpack the malware ifrst, then you can analysis them in detail. This paper studied based on analysis of sample program packed characteristics, automatically extracted hidden code and data from packers, and propose the automatic unpacking system design based on the dynamic analysis platform. The test results show that this system can deal with common packed type, on one hand it improve the degree of automation techniques, on the other hand greatly enhances the versatility of unpacking technology.
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    Software Anti-tracking Technology Structure based on Self-modifying Code
    2014, 14 (5):  46. 
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (1597KB) ( 665 )  
    Software anti-tracking software as an adjunct to protect the produce, along with software technology continues to progress and develop. As software cracking tools and cloud computing continues to apply, anti-tracking software to protect a higher requirement, we designed a self-modifying code-based software anti-tracking technology architecture, when the target of the anti-tracking procedures for processing code, self-modifying code, code three closely integrated to form a better software protection strength.
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    Simulation of Opportunistic Network Routing Protocols based on NS
    2014, 14 (5):  52. 
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (1365KB) ( 782 )  
    In this paper, network simulation tool NS is adopted to build opportunistic network, and implement writing and debugging code of Epidemic routing protocol, and describes the relevant background knowledge and the speciifc process simulation. We can use NS network simulation tool model the Epidemic routing protocol algorithm in different network environment. Through the analysis of the simulation results, evaluate Epidemic routing algorithm performance in various environments.
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    Research on Routing Algorithm of Wireless Sensor Network based on Link Quality
    2014, 14 (5):  59. 
    Abstract ( 285 )   PDF (1521KB) ( 171 )  
    WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) is increasingly applied to various situations of emergency communication, with such advantages as none-center, convenient building and lfexibility. However, its performance is severely limited by limitary nodes energy, high-energy-costing communication with low-energy-costing computation and so on. In this paper, on the basis of DCHS, we propose a new WSN uneven grouping routing algorithm of shortest path in view of link quality. After link quality is introduced in the communication cost function, we can get the shortest path with greedy algorithm when multi-hop communication occurs between cluster heads and base stations. In this way, we greatly improve the emergency communication performance of WSN with signiifcantly reduced energy.
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    Research on the Security Model of Big Data in Government
    2014, 14 (5):  63. 
    Abstract ( 800 )   PDF (1162KB) ( 273 )  
    Big data has great value. Applying big data in government can provide a reference to the government when making decisions. Besides, new applications will be created by applying big data so that the government can offer more and better services to the people. The establishment of government data sharing platform can lay the foundation for the application of big data in government in the future. But the government data sharing platform will bring many new security problems. In this paper, two security problems are studied. To manage the shared data securely, this paper proposes two-level management model. And to prevent the illegal secondary authorization of the shared data, this paper proposes sealed data mechanism that encrypts the shared data with the key associated the system hardware and software information.
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    Dynamic Data Leakage Monitoring System based on Mobile Terminal
    2014, 14 (5):  68. 
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (1234KB) ( 234 )  
    With the popularity of smart mobile devices, the problem of data leakage of smartphones is becoming more and more important. In this paper, we analyzed the sensitive privilege and data traffic related to users’ data privacy, and designed a dynamic data leakage monitoring system, accomplishing the monitoring of sensitive privilege and data trafifc. Using the mathematical modeling method to analyze the results of behavior of monitoring, calculated the risk factor of each application at the current time. Finally, the monitoring results of the system feedback to the user in the form of data visualization, to achieve transparent private data monitoring to users.
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    The Construction and Application of Cyberspace Security Situational Awareness System
    2014, 14 (5):  73. 
    Abstract ( 428 )   PDF (1158KB) ( 495 )  
    Cyberspace security situational awareness is devoted to relfecting the dynamic cyberspace security environment from an overall point of view, and makes the evaluation and analysis of the trend of the cyberspace security. As a new hotspot in the field of cyberspace security, academic research on cyberspace security situation awareness has made numerous achievements, but the construction and application of such system is rare. In this paper, the basic concept of cyberspace security situation awareness is introducd, the functional requirements, architecture and key technologies of cyberspace security situational awareness system are described, two typical application situation analysis, i.e. vulnerability and security situational analysis&evaluation, are illustrated in detailed .
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    Research on the Cipher Computable Encryption System
    2014, 14 (5):  78. 
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (1212KB) ( 597 )  
    Cipher computable encryption system refers to a series of designated functional operation which can be performed on encrypted data. The biggest difference with the traditional encryption system is the ciphertext is no longer"chaos", but has some hidden relations. The ciphertext can be the input of speciifc function and after function calculates the encrypted input, the output can become the effective information of users. Due to the direct computation on encrypted data, cipher computable encryption system greatly improves the efficiency of the availability of information under the encrypted condition, it has become the hot direction of modern public key cryptography research. This paper gives the detailed overview on three cipher computable encryption schemes of the predicate encryption, fully homomorphic encryption and functional encryption, introducing relations among different cipher computable encryption systems, analyzing the function privacy and application requirements about practical cipher computable encryption system and providing guidance for future research.
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    Research of Information Retrieval based on DOM
    2014, 14 (5):  82. 
    Abstract ( 247 )   PDF (1724KB) ( 287 )  
    Vector Space Model is a important model in information retrieval, traditional Vector Space Model take feature term frequence and document frequence into account, regardless of the location feature term appears, which is a signiifcant information. Considering the problem above, after turn document into Document Object Model, this paper add a ratio to weight of feature term based on different location it appears to inlfect different ability of feature term that appears in different location in expressing main idea of the document, thus improve ranking result of documents returned and users’ retrieving work. Simulation experiment manifests the advantage of the solution above over traditional VSM.
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    The Digital Investigation and Forensics of Trojan Malware
    2014, 14 (5):  87. 
    Abstract ( 345 )   PDF (1355KB) ( 670 )  
    Since the Trojan malware usually invades computing facilities secretly and eavesdrops on important information, it is very necessary to master the Trojan behavior, communication mechanisms and the way of eavesdrop, which can support the valuable intelligence clues for the network crime investigation. According to the characteristics of Trojan malware, this paper discusses the basis process of Trojan forensics investigation combing with experience of the network security department of public security organs. Meanwhile, it also introduces the common tools and methods for malware investigation. This paper describes some actual cases about the Trojan malware investigation technology involved the application in the network crime.
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