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Design and Implementation of Voice and Video Flow Identiifcation and Control Scheme based on VOIP

CHENG Bo%XIN Yang   

  • About author:北京邮电大学信息安全中心,北京,100876

摘要: 随着网络技术和协议的发展,基于VOIP协议的语音视频聊天应用逐渐盛行,给运营商和监管部门带来了新的挑战。文章在对前人研究成果进行综述和分析传统识别技术的基础上针对此类应用提出了一种新的深度关联的识别技术,并设计了一种流量识别和控制系统的部署方案。文章最后给出了几个应用的识别结果,结果表明运用本系统能够达到很好的识别和控制效果。

Abstract: With the development of network technologies and protocols, voice and video chat applications increasingly prevalent based on VOIP, which has brought new challenges for operators and regulators. This paper proposes a new Depth-Association recognition technology according to review of previous research results and traditional recognition technology for such applications, and designed a flow identification and control scheme. Finally, the recognition results of several applications are given, which show that the use of this system can achieve good results to identify and control.