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基于 SMC 的 Android 软件保护研究与实现


  • 出版日期:2014-11-15
  • 基金资助:

Research and Implementation of Android Software Protection Based on SMC

ZHANG Xiao%LI Lin%XU Jia-le%LIU Nian   

  • Online:2014-11-15
  • About author:北京邮电大学信息安全中心,北京,100876%北京电子科技学院,北京,100080

摘要: 随着 Android 平台的广泛应用,Android 平台的软件保护越来越受到重视。由于Android 平台普及时间较短,Android 软件保护的研究尚处于起步阶段,而且开发人员安全意识不足,导致软件开发者的知识产权受到侵犯的事件屡见不鲜。文章针对 Android 平台逆向工程技术越来越泛滥的问题,在深入研究 Android 系统软件保护的基础之上,结合 Android 平台的软件破解技术,提出一种改进的基于代码自修改(self-modifying code,SMC)的 Android 软件保护机制。文章参考 Windows 平台代码自修改技术,通过对 Android 平台应用运行机制的整合,实现了 Android 平台的代码自修改。该机制在 Android 的代码自修改基础之上,采用自校验技术以及双层 SMC,实现了对程序完整性的自校验以及在程序运行时对内存关键代码的修改,并通过相关代码的测试,验证该机制能够有效提高 Android 应用的抗逆向分析和防篡改能力。

Abstract: With the development of Android, software protection on Android platform get more and more attention. Due to the short time of Android platform’s popularity, study of the Android software protection is still at an early stage, and because of the developer’s lack of protection awareness, result in the frequent violations of intellectual property. Focus on the increasingly development of reverse engineering, this paper proposed the implementation of a new software protection technique for Android applications based on in-depth study of Android software protection and reverse engineering technique. Consider revising the self modifying cod on Windows, this paper implements the SMC technique on Android platform. This mechanism use the mature SMC technique on Android and the self-check technology, implement the check of program integrity and the modification of the key code during runtime. Relevant tests proved that the mechanism can effectively improve the anti-reversing technique and tamper resistance capability of the software.