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  • 出版日期:2014-11-15
  • 基金资助:

Authenticated Encryption Modes Based on Block Ciphers

ZHANG Ping%CHEN Chang-song%HU Hong-gang   

  • Online:2014-11-15
  • About author:中国科学技术大学信息科学技术学院,安徽合肥 230027; 中国科学院电磁空间信息重点实验室,安徽合肥 230027%公安部第三研究所网络安全研发中心,上海,200031

摘要: 近年来认证加密工作模式的研究迅速发展,提出适应各行各业、性能优秀、安全性好、成本低廉且结构简单的认证加密模式已成为必然趋势。基于分组密码的认证加密工作模式是使用分组密码来设计,用以解决用户信息的隐私性和真实性等实际问题的密码方案。由于其具有实现速度快、易于标准化和便于软硬件实现等特点,广泛使用于计算机通信和信息安全等领域。文章主要介绍了基于分组密码的认证加密工作模式及其发展前景。

Abstract: It is an inevitable trend to provide authentication encryption modes of operation, which satisfy all kinds of requirements, and have good performance such as high-efficiency, high security, low-cost and simple structure. Authenticated encryption modes based on block ciphers provide both privacy and authenticity of users’ information. As they have many good properties: high-speed, easy standardization, high-efficiency in hardware and software implementation, they have been widely used in the field of information security. In this paper, we give a survey on authenticated encryption modes based on block ciphers, and discuss further research trend in the future.