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LIU Zhi-wei%SUN Qi-bo
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摘要: 随着智能移动终端数量的增加,越来越多的安全问题成为困扰终端进一步发展的障碍。当前市场大部分安全软件不能够实现对应用行为的实时监控,极少安全软件需要root权限才能实现应用行为实时的监控。文章基于Android应用框架层的定制,利用Android系统Permission机制的动态检查模式实现应用运行时行为的检测。Android应用通过申请所需权限,在运行过程中需要调用对应的API或者访问系统数据时,会发生系统权限检查,从而实现对应用行为的监控。相对在应用层进行应用行为的监控要更简洁有效,通过在框架层的定制更好地实现了对应用行为的监控,同时带给系统的损耗更小。
Abstract: With the increase of the market share occupied by the Android system, security issues become more and more troubled by the fetters of the Android system for further development. More of the current market for security software is not able to achieve real-time monitoring application behavior, very few security software requires root privileges to achieve real-time monitoring application behavior. Based on a custom Android application framework layer, using a dynamic model of Android system permission checking mechanism to achieve detection application runtime behavior. Application take advantage of the label ofto required permissions, during the runtime when the APP needs to call the corresponding API or access to system data, system privileges inspection will occur and get the application behavior monitoring. This method is more simple and effective to monitoring application behavior and binging a smaller loss system.
. 基于权限管理的Android应用行为检测[J]. .
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