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ZHAN Xiao-su%QUAN Le%JIANG ling
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摘要: 文章基于UML概念建模语言对“舒特”攻击行动进行了形式化描述,构建了“舒特”攻击行动效能评估指标体系,运用模糊层次分析法对“舒特”攻击行动的效能进行了评估,同时给出了应对“舒特”攻击的建议。
Abstract: This paper gives the formal description of suter attacks based on UML conceptual modeling language, designs the effectiveness evaluation index system of suter attacks, evaluates the effectiveness of suter attacks by synthesizing fuzzy analytic hierarchy process mothods, and lists some suggestions to counterstroke suter operations.
. “舒特”攻击行动描述与效能评估探要[J]. .
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